paolo berdin
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barili and moalboal
answer: yeah, i went to moalboal.

val and katsua picked me from my house at arpund 8 in the evening. the plan was to sleep over at val's so that we could go to moalboal together. we were bored and started drinking vodka sprite.. and what decision did we come up with? we decided to leave for the south right that very moment (around 11 p.m.)

we arrived in barili and slept over bobet's house. there were 8 of us and there were 4 beds. perfect, we thought. HAHA. we had a place to sleep in, yehey! rico and danton were hugging each other in one bed, jacobe and his "dugaya na nato wa ka sturya pao uy, arte na man gud kaayo ka" and "do you still treat me as your brother?" type of questions and i shared another, bobet and candari stayed in another, and val and katsua slept on the real bed (you know, not just some mattress you throw on the floor). RIGHT, VAL? *evil grin*

we left at aroung a quarter to 7 for moalboal since mitz was there. thank you bobet for letting us stay over your house! and i'm sorry jacobe for waking you up when we left hahaha. i wouldn't have, but bobet told me to.

i don't really want to discuss the events that happened next, but vaguely, we went to moalboal, then to barili again to have lunch at jao's house (first time i tasted monggos and kinilaw with the skin still on, i swear), then to those waterfalls (no not kawasan haha), and back to moalboal. by the time we went back to moalboal, mitz and katsua weren't with us anymore. mitz was with her family and the crazy katsy mae sua-an went with jao! coincidentally, the two of them saw val and me walking along the road and katsua told us that she was already going to go home and that she was just about to text us. RIGHT. haha.

aaarghhh val wasn't our 30-minute "adventure" in moalboal annoying?
and suuuper tiring. i still feel stupid because of it. and hurt. haha.

anywayyyy, there's a barangay called gibuangan.

monggos wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.

we found the best ice cream in the world! it's at milk station, and it's only 8 pesos a cone. it's this place that's just along the road that sells carabao's milk and ostrich eggs as lamps. they ran out of ice cream just after i finished eating my one and only cone, though. i wanted to eat more more more!

i'll end here. i need to catch up on my sleep. you always have difficulty falling into slumber when jacobe is lying next to you.

8:55 PM
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