paolo berdin
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since my last entry..

  • ..i've started summer school at our new campus. i have anthropology and biochemistry from monday to saturday. 12 noon to 6 p.m. have you ever heard of a crappier schedule?
  • ..this crazyass driver pointed his finger and screamed at me since according to him, i was causing traffic. my car isn't tinted and it took all my guts to stop me from giving him the finger, so instead, i laughed, raised both my hands and mouthed the words "just relax". but seriously, i felt awful. nobody had ever done something like that to me before. i hope he figures in an accident.
  • ..i ALMOST got into jamaican nights, but thank god i saw two of my friends who were leaving already and i went back to cebu with them. i heard it sucked, by the way.
  • ..i've seen "ang cute ng ina mo". terribly baduy. but what the heck, i'm a baduy person and so i loved. i couldn't stop lughing - from the cartwheels at the airport to eugene domingo's "kris-tane kris-tane's", from ai-ai's face to the dancing maids, from the not-so-good-looking macho dancers to everything, really.
  • cousin nadine has a new house in texas, and it's huuuuge. and it's so mtv cribs. look look.
  • favoritest cousin in the world, marla, has started a new blogspot. i'll post the link here once i'm sure that she doesn't abandon/forget all about it.
  • ..mitz's debut is going to be on the 12th of next month, insted of the 5th. yes yes, just so i can go.

7:03 PM
only 3 had something to say?


yo fools

hi i'm paolo.

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barili and moalboal
island getaway hahaha
gone gone gone
driver for a day
just for the sake
bored and boring
what do you think?
paseo cherry popped

ym: paoloberdin