paolo berdin
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happy mothers' day!
may 10, 2008 - saturday
"speed racer" was a complete waste of time, plus the man behind us laughed
a. every time the monkey appeared on screen, and
b. at every feeble attempt of the movie at comedy.

i should never have let teves persuade me into watching it.

may 11, 2008 - sunday
i spent the afternoon looking for mothers' day gifts for my mom and grandmother. i got my mom a dress, and since i couldn't think of anything for my lola (pajamas? sunglasses? insulin shots?), i ended up buying her sugar free brownies from butterbean. haha.

6:06 PM
only 0 had something to say?

i've been busy with family bonding sessions these past few days. i feel like i haven't seen my friends in so long already!

my grandfather turned 91 on the 6th!

we had lunch at niko's house on the 7th, spent the afternoon watching "iron man" with kim (the first superhero movie i enjoyed), went to tita hazel's and got a 97 on my first try at rock band (i sang "when you were young" on easy, but i'm still proud of myself), did horrible on drums and even worse on the guitar.

i've just remembered that i still have a case study to make. REALITY CHECK!

1:17 PM
only 0 had something to say?

hear - and watch - agyness deyn sing! the song's entitled "who" and the guys are from a band called five o'clock heroes, or something like that.


hmmmm. it's nothing great, but agyness is still the coolest!

i'll blog more soon. i promise!

8:05 AM
only 2 had something to say?

1st week
i spent my last 4 weekdays having OR/DR duty in south general hospital. i haven't really done ANYTHING yet, since the place hardly had any patients. i did observe a vasectomy, though. yes, i got to see what's inside a person's egg sac! i also got to see a woman give birth, but i don't really want to talk about it. it was uhhmmmmmm not as beautiful as i thought it would be. hahaha.

i surprisingly had fun (even though duty cause me to miss layla's debut!.. which i heard was great haha), and mostly because i got to know my duty mates so much better. i have to admit that i didn't really think that our group was any good at first, but now my mind has changed. i actually enjoy the time i spend with them.

ANYWAY to make up for all the fun summer things i missed out on because of school, i went out last night. went to handuraw mango to meet my friends, then to chua's where we got drunk, danced on video to that soulja boy song, and couldn't stop talking in british accents (well just me and roi hahaha), then to crossroads which was deserted. pictures in my multply! and there's a dance video too hahaha.

11:06 PM
only 0 had something to say?

yo yo yo
i think i've become fat because of bad karma.

i used to be disgusted at stretch marks, but now i have them on my hips, arms, and legs.

anyway, i had a sign made for my door:

i wanted something like "do not enter" below my name, but that would read "paolo do no enter". i haven't hung it yet, though, because i'm thinking of painting my door another color. i was thinking of green, but my room's red so that would make it too christmassy. yellow, perhaps?

9:27 PM
only 4 had something to say?

there, i've said it.
in light of recent events, i think i should review what i've done and what other people have done to me. reflect about who my real friends are, and who aren't. i feel that there is a need for me to prioritize my friends, which is something other people find so difficult hard to do.. probably because they get carried away by the spur of the moment, or i don't know. but no matter how exciting the moment can get, you never forget those who matter. or maybe i just don't have the same ideals as, ermmmm, some people?

i've wanted to write about this for quite some time, and now i am, but the write words aren't materializing. i feel like i have so much to say that i don't know how to state them all. they're mixed up and jumbled and i'm having a difficult time putting them in place. but what i'm trying to say is that i am hurt at how selfish people can be, and what hurts more is the feeling of being used.

i hate admitting feeling hurt and sad and all that, but there, i've said it.

i don't know what else to talk about but i feel the need to make a new entry just for the sake of it, and i don't want this entry to be too dramatic since i'm really not the type, so i am going to give you a recap of my not-so-interesting week hahaha:

TUESDAY - afternoon was spent the whole afternoon in ayala with a few friends, something i haven't done in the longest time - the ayala part, i mean. you know, the usual mall stuff teens-obsessed-with-chuck-taylors-and-friendster do? hahaha.

WEDNESDAY - was the first time i felt someone was angry with me. like angry-furious-wild-calling-other-people-to-tell-how-i-really-am-blah-blah sort of angry. apparently, someone thinks that i am very good at brainwashing people and charming them to side and sympathize with me.. but i will refuse to add more since things are already okay (i think) HAHA. i hate drama, and i hate being part of it more. anyway anyway, that night i got drunk and on..

THURSDAY - morning, with a terrible hangover, i went down to the dining room to eat but i threw up instead. since my stomach was empty, i puked blood! i know, i know, it's disgusting. but that wasn't the first time it happened to me. i should probably get my stomach checked, yeah?

FRIDAY - went to school to be oriented for summer duty. thank god our c.i. was my brother's classmate in college.

SATURDAY - isn't over yet, but i don't see any prospects of it getting any better than yesterday.

5:30 PM
only 3 had something to say?

save me!
i'm bored.

i think i might buy notebooks for school later, just to amuse myself.

i want to go to the beach and never have to come back for school and hospital duty!

12:30 PM
only 0 had something to say?


yo fools

hi i'm paolo.

tell me something

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happy mothers' day!
1st week
yo yo yo
there, i've said it.
save me!
bantayan ebab
david's birthday

ym: paoloberdin