paolo berdin
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warning: the paragraph that will follow is corny. and cheesy. and may not make any sense to you.

things have gotten so complicated lately. people have been falling in love, and falling out of it. people have been losing friends, making up (and making out HAHA).. but there's always that hint of awkwardness in the air. you know, like in the back of your head, there's a voice that's telling you things will never be the same again? you won't be as close as you used to be; heck, you won't even talk to each other that much anymore - all the secrets, problems, and whatever else are now being told to another person, someone you think is not as deserving and trustworthy as you are - and eventually, you will stop talking.

hmph. i miss how simple things used to be.

ANYWAY, our anthroplogy teacher showed me my graded essay. she laughed at my drawing of the philippine map not because it was ugly, but because it was tiny.

"how are you going to mark the places?", she asked.

"with arrows! or maybe i'll make a legend", i replied.

"oh, you're paolo berdin?" she asked after seeing my name, then she shuffled through the sheets of intermediate paper in her hand and put mine right in front of my nose. 18/20. i didn't think it was that big of a score until she announced that there were those who scored fives and sixes. someone got a 19, though. hmmmmmmmm. who could that person be?

i failed our first test in biochemistry. sucks. i thought we were only having a test on one part of chapter one, not the whole chapter! stupid me.

**jonathan unchuan owns milk station. haha.

9:30 PM
only 1 had something to say?

since my last entry..

  • ..i've started summer school at our new campus. i have anthropology and biochemistry from monday to saturday. 12 noon to 6 p.m. have you ever heard of a crappier schedule?
  • ..this crazyass driver pointed his finger and screamed at me since according to him, i was causing traffic. my car isn't tinted and it took all my guts to stop me from giving him the finger, so instead, i laughed, raised both my hands and mouthed the words "just relax". but seriously, i felt awful. nobody had ever done something like that to me before. i hope he figures in an accident.
  • ..i ALMOST got into jamaican nights, but thank god i saw two of my friends who were leaving already and i went back to cebu with them. i heard it sucked, by the way.
  • ..i've seen "ang cute ng ina mo". terribly baduy. but what the heck, i'm a baduy person and so i loved. i couldn't stop lughing - from the cartwheels at the airport to eugene domingo's "kris-tane kris-tane's", from ai-ai's face to the dancing maids, from the not-so-good-looking macho dancers to everything, really.
  • cousin nadine has a new house in texas, and it's huuuuge. and it's so mtv cribs. look look.
  • favoritest cousin in the world, marla, has started a new blogspot. i'll post the link here once i'm sure that she doesn't abandon/forget all about it.
  • ..mitz's debut is going to be on the 12th of next month, insted of the 5th. yes yes, just so i can go.

7:03 PM
only 3 had something to say?

barili and moalboal
answer: yeah, i went to moalboal.

val and katsua picked me from my house at arpund 8 in the evening. the plan was to sleep over at val's so that we could go to moalboal together. we were bored and started drinking vodka sprite.. and what decision did we come up with? we decided to leave for the south right that very moment (around 11 p.m.)

we arrived in barili and slept over bobet's house. there were 8 of us and there were 4 beds. perfect, we thought. HAHA. we had a place to sleep in, yehey! rico and danton were hugging each other in one bed, jacobe and his "dugaya na nato wa ka sturya pao uy, arte na man gud kaayo ka" and "do you still treat me as your brother?" type of questions and i shared another, bobet and candari stayed in another, and val and katsua slept on the real bed (you know, not just some mattress you throw on the floor). RIGHT, VAL? *evil grin*

we left at aroung a quarter to 7 for moalboal since mitz was there. thank you bobet for letting us stay over your house! and i'm sorry jacobe for waking you up when we left hahaha. i wouldn't have, but bobet told me to.

i don't really want to discuss the events that happened next, but vaguely, we went to moalboal, then to barili again to have lunch at jao's house (first time i tasted monggos and kinilaw with the skin still on, i swear), then to those waterfalls (no not kawasan haha), and back to moalboal. by the time we went back to moalboal, mitz and katsua weren't with us anymore. mitz was with her family and the crazy katsy mae sua-an went with jao! coincidentally, the two of them saw val and me walking along the road and katsua told us that she was already going to go home and that she was just about to text us. RIGHT. haha.

aaarghhh val wasn't our 30-minute "adventure" in moalboal annoying?
and suuuper tiring. i still feel stupid because of it. and hurt. haha.

anywayyyy, there's a barangay called gibuangan.

monggos wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.

we found the best ice cream in the world! it's at milk station, and it's only 8 pesos a cone. it's this place that's just along the road that sells carabao's milk and ostrich eggs as lamps. they ran out of ice cream just after i finished eating my one and only cone, though. i wanted to eat more more more!

i'll end here. i need to catch up on my sleep. you always have difficulty falling into slumber when jacobe is lying next to you.

8:55 PM
only 0 had something to say?

island getaway hahaha
i'm back.

i don't think anybody really noticed that i was gone, though. i was gone for just a day! AND i did not get any new comments while i was away. tsk tsk.

correction: it wasn't sam's family's island, it was their beach (called SEROID) in olango island. big-ass property. sam hates it there because there's no electricity, but seriously, i think i could live there for days and days and days.

i met her cousin chiboy, an ex-boyfriend of one of my titas. he told me how the people (guys, specifically haha)liked the trinidad sisters because they were all beautiful and nice, yet "dili sila ganahan ug pang-soshalan. pwede nimo dad-on ug kinawboy."

..and my "new high-tech" friend, kate - yes yes, THE kate torralba hahaha - who has the best songs in her ipod, showed us the hundred million different ways to use her "kate wrap", sang rikitikitikis, told us the funniest stories about her clients in manila, and encouraged me to study there "kay barkada na untah" mi. haha.

QUESTION: should i go to moalboal tomorrow or not? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

5:51 PM
only 2 had something to say?

gone gone gone
i'm going with sam to their island tomorrow. i JUST asked permission. thank god my lola said yes. nadala ra nakog smile.

i've finished packing - i did that before i even asked permission. HAHA.

i'll be back on friday.

grrr i can't find my ipod. i think my brother brought it with him since his is busted.

..and here's something for your entertainment:

10:31 PM
only 0 had something to say?

driver for a day
i just came home from school. enrollment. STILL not finished. i hate cdu's system. wait, there is no system. paying tuituon fees is always tiring and hot and stinky. next time, choose the students you accept wisely. haha, joke. walay ma hurt!

i drove my brother to sal malto's store yesterday. we picked up stephane - who at first didn't see us, passed right by our car and sat on the street corner - near capitol, and gabriel in ayala. after that i went to city sports to meet with aiess since we were watching "300". AGAIN. john blanco, mikey, and l.j. were in the gym, and chase andjustinne go watched the movie with aiess and i. that was the 3rd time i saw "300", but i think i can take watching it say, a hundred more times!

saw mitzi the crazy bitch in eastwest. teves, katsua, mitz and sam were also there. then jacobe, joachim, abad and mikey followed. jacobe and his being o.a. again - i was so humiliated with all the things he told me that i had to get out of that place. HAHA. so yeah. the end.

5:07 PM
only 0 had something to say?

my brother is going to boracay tomorrow for a sal malto fashion show. saying that i'm jealous would be an understatement. AND i lent him my new and un-used old navy board shorts accidentally! he was looking for the american eagle brown one but i gave him the blue one instead since i was not thinking one bit. huhuhuhu. how tanga. he grabbed it as fast as he could and the next time i saw him, he was already in our grandparents' room trying it on. sige lang, i'll let him treat me to something when he gets his salary. mwahahaha.

i went to church yesterday because it was palm sunday and all. i was even the one who had our palms or whatever you call them sprinkled with holy water. it was amazing, all those people going to the front of the church and raising their palms together, like some giant green body. the people even shook their palms together! which i also did, of course, while trying so hard to stop laughing.haha. good thing nobody had stinky armpits.

12:00 AM
only 3 had something to say?

hello, i'm back.

i've spent the last few days moving back and forth from our houses in banawa and mandaue.

we have a new car! it's the new cr-v, and i'm proud to say that we are the first in cebu to own and drive one! HAHA. well, along with my stepdad's friend - his is black and ours is white.

last tuesday, i was in east west with yen, triszha, and faj. yen was telling me about how triszha had lived in so many other countries before she arrived here.

y: naka puyo biyah si trish ug south africa.
p: wow. i think that place is so fascinating.
t: really? why?
p: aw, ngano diay? unsay naa didto?
y: *says to trish* animals? hahaha.
t: aw o, animals.
y: kita na ka?
t: wa pa man ko ka adtog south africa.
p, y, and f: HAAAAAAAA?!
y: unsa imong gi ingon?!
t: i haven't been to south africa! south korea man ko gikan.

god, that was such a stupid moment for the three of us. hahaha. yen! next time, get the info you give us right.

last thursday, i met up with yen yen at ayala again. allison came, and she was going to have this free trial at fitness first and she told us to come with her. yen and i did, even though we weren't in gym clothes and shoes. we were there for the tour, we said. HAHA, right. we were there for the free coffee and softdrinks and internet. but we did act interested, as though we wanted to enroll.

but i should go to the gym, really. i've been getting so many "you've become so fat!" lately, a far cry from the "omg you're so thin already!". but i'm too lazy. AND i'm not capable of lasting the whole day with just a pack of crackers or a cup of yogurt or one banana anymore.

AAARRRGH. i shouldn't have given my contact number to that gym employee, she won't stop calling. i wish i had given someone else's number instead of mine. hmph.

11:55 PM
only 3 had something to say?


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ym: paoloberdin