paolo berdin
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warning: the paragraph that will follow is corny. and cheesy. and may not make any sense to you.

things have gotten so complicated lately. people have been falling in love, and falling out of it. people have been losing friends, making up (and making out HAHA).. but there's always that hint of awkwardness in the air. you know, like in the back of your head, there's a voice that's telling you things will never be the same again? you won't be as close as you used to be; heck, you won't even talk to each other that much anymore - all the secrets, problems, and whatever else are now being told to another person, someone you think is not as deserving and trustworthy as you are - and eventually, you will stop talking.

hmph. i miss how simple things used to be.

ANYWAY, our anthroplogy teacher showed me my graded essay. she laughed at my drawing of the philippine map not because it was ugly, but because it was tiny.

"how are you going to mark the places?", she asked.

"with arrows! or maybe i'll make a legend", i replied.

"oh, you're paolo berdin?" she asked after seeing my name, then she shuffled through the sheets of intermediate paper in her hand and put mine right in front of my nose. 18/20. i didn't think it was that big of a score until she announced that there were those who scored fives and sixes. someone got a 19, though. hmmmmmmmm. who could that person be?

i failed our first test in biochemistry. sucks. i thought we were only having a test on one part of chapter one, not the whole chapter! stupid me.

**jonathan unchuan owns milk station. haha.

9:30 PM
only 1 had something to say?


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ym: paoloberdin