I am a head banger, in the truest sense of the term.
The first time happened when I was 6 years old. I was in school and my eraser fell under the horrendous chairs we students paid to sit on. I crawled for it, of course, as it cleaned all the mistakes my extremely short pencil made. I was forced to throw the pencil away, mind you, since the teacher told me that tiny pencils would make me dumb. Anyway, a classmate thought that pushing me while I was on all fours would be amusing, and so he did. BIG mistake. My forehead hit one of the many nails that stuck out of the chairs and blood started pouring down my face. I would like to point out that I have a very strong pain threshold and I didn't even shed a tear. My classmate, on the other hand, was given a spank on each palm as punishment.
I was brought to the hospital and the "smiling" wound, as the teacher described it, was sewed shut by a doctor who said that if he ever had a son, he'd name him after me. I doubt he did, though, but now there's a scar on my forehead. I bear quite a striking resemblance to Harry Potter now, but I just need new round-shaped glasses, fairer skin, and a different accent.
The year after that, I suffered another accident. Still in school, but a different one this time, my friends and I were playing tag. Now at the back of the main building, there were these hollow blocks that we used as stepping stones. I was running towards that area and the person who was it was closing in on me. He caught me with so much force that I fell and, you guessed it, my head landed right on one of the block's edges. The funny thing is I didn't even realize that my head was actually open. Someone had to point out that the back of my head was bleeding. I felt it, saw blood on my fingers, and just shrugged while the person who accidentally pushed me started to cry.
I was rushed to the hospital, sewn up, and brought back to school. I became some sort of hero – all the younger kids crowded around me in awe. The attention was great, I admit, but for such a terrible reason?
I would much rather have preferred to be ignored.